
These are bits of other people’s work that have resonated enough for us to share!

"Hard is Hard" - Ash Beckham's inspiring TED Talk

Some Gen Ex women are privileged – and we struggle with feeling pain. In this inspiring talk, Ash reminds us that hard isn’t relative. Hard is hard, and we don’t need to justify feeling hurt or lost.

The Problem of #FirstWorldProblems

In this piece “The New Midlife Crisis” on we hear about the slog of the 40’s for the Gen Ex woman – and how awful we can feel about how awful we sometimes feel.

Midlife Without the Crisis

A fabulously inspiring HBR article on the upside of midlfe! Sure – crisis may be a real thing for some of us. And yet – there are so many advantages that avail themselves to us. Read more about the prospective delights of midlife!